Thursday, December 31, 2015

End of 2015

Well my total for the year was 1700 give or take a few.
I am taking a few days off

Monday, November 30, 2015

1600 Miles

Since last week I have ran 18.6 miles. On Thursday I ran a turkey trot with our church. I won! It was alot of fun, but very cold. Actually my pacer beat me by an arms length.
Yearly Mileage = 1604.2

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


On the 19th
Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1571.4

Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1574.5

Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1577.6

Daily = 8
Yearly = 1585.6

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

5k a day

I usually try to do more than a 5k even though my goal is just a 5k. Something about going the extra miles I guess. The past couple of days however I have felt blaah about running in general.
Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1565.2

Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1568.3

Monday, November 16, 2015


Friday I did not want to run!
Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1543

Saturday I thought it would be freezing to start in the morning. It was actually warm.
Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1546.1

Today was the opposite of Saturday. I thought it would be warm and it was FREEZING!! It was not raining or snowing but......iceing. So chilly
Daily = 6
Yearly = 1562.1
I felt like this

Thursday, November 12, 2015

1500 Miles!!

It has seriously been a long time since I blogged. I will hopefully get my mileage correct. If not I know that I have ran at least a 5k a day. I can not believe I have not skipped a day this entire year!
Mileage from last post = 64
Yearly Mileage = 1539.9

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Man fall is amazing! I love the crisp in the air and leaves crunching at my feet.
Daily = 10
Yearly = 1450.8

Daily = 6
Yearly = 1456.8

Daily = 6
Yearly = 1462.8

Daily = 1475.9
Yearly = 13.1

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I Almost Forgot!!

On Saturday I slept in and did not do my run. "I'll do it later I said to my wife." Well later came and I totally forgot to run. As I was changing my pacers diaper I remembered that I had not done my run yet. Well luckily we were going to Target and that is exactly 3.1 miles away. So I got my run done and it was fun. It was right at dusk and just felt fallish.
Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1423.8

This was a great 6 mile run. My pacer made me stop to look at some cows. It was nice to have a little break.
Daily = 6
Yearly = 1429.8

Did a 8 mile loop and enjoyed it very much.
Daily = 8
Yearly = 1437.8

I got to the C-Wood track and did 6 x 400 at a good pace. Unfortunately my pacer was done after 6. He was so done with running that we had to call mom to pick us up.
Daily = 3.1
Yearly =  1440.8

Friday, October 16, 2015

October = The Best Month of Running 1400 Mile Mark

This week has be awesome for running!! I love October. The days are cooler and the leaves are brighter. I have felt great since the marathon and have no serious negative results.

On Monday I ran in the later afternoon and went farther than I planned.
Daily Mileage = 4
Yearly Mileage = 1388.7

Tuesday I did the same route as the day before but had to go to the store to pick up some chicken. It was nice to be in and out and not struggle with my pacer and the car seat.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 1393.7

Wednesday my pacer fell asleep so I just kept going and going. He seriously would not wake up. I ran to our old apartment. It was a good run down memory lane AKA Lincoln St.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 1401.7

Thursday, this was the run of the  week! I ran the desolation loop trail. It was amazing, you first run UP to dog lake and then UP to desolation lake. After Desolation lake you continue to run UP to the ridge line. Once there you can see Park City on one side and Salt Lake on the other. The leaves were beautiful. This is a great loop and a even better workout.
Daily Mileage = 13
Yearly = 1414.7

Friday I ran a nice and easy run. I am more beat up from the half trail run than the full marathon I did last Saturday.
Daily = 6
Yearly = 1420.7

Desolation Lake

Waaaaaaay out there you can see Antelope Island, the starting line of my marathon last Saturday.

Dogs at Dog lake

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Layton Marathon World Record!!!!! (and personal record for the most mosquitoe bites I have ever had in my life.)

This past Saturday was the day!! The day that 82 of us beat the Germans OLD world record of the most people tethered together to run a full Marathon (26.2 Miles).

 It all started at 3:25 AM when my alarm went off; I got up and got dressed. I drank some apple juice, and was out the door by 3:50. I drove up I-15 to Layton where I actually found the parking lot by following a car that I assumed was going to the race (where else would he be going at 4:20 AM??). I got on the bus and was surprised that my good friend Ron got on right after me. Ron is great, we met last year at a run with Dean Karnazes. We have not talked much since that but we picked up right where we left off last year. That is one cool thing about the running community, once you meet someone you are friends for life. We dove out to Antelope Island and waited to get roped up. We had a pre-race meeting and then tied ourselves off for the next 26.2 miles.

 When we started it was still dark and I was glad I had my headlamp on. The rope situation was actually a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be. It was tied around our waists. There was a lot of space and plenty of room to not be hitting or tripping over others. The first water station we stopped at took close to 25 minutes to get through. The first 7 miles took 2 hours to run. At this point we were still on the island and a lot of people started complaining about the pace and how much walking was being done. I tried to tell some folks around me to change their attitude and not worry. After some talk of mutiny and flipping the herd people came together and came to some common ground.
Out on Antelope Island when we were all hydrated and full of energy. You cant see them but there are a gazillion mosquitoes around us.
The cars that drove by us that had no idea what was going on was one of my favorite parts of this whole thing.

 At mile 11 or so we had 4 people drop out and we continued going toward the record. We, as a group started doing a 5 minute run and 1 minute walk for the rest of the race (for the most part). We started going through the aid stations faster, as more people either held it in, went on the side of the road, or accepted the dehydration. The volunteers at the aid stations were awesome! So helpful and patient with 82 tired and low on patience runners. The heat was.......well hot. I was glad to be by Ron and the other people behind and in front of us. Conversation was funny for the most part and awkward for  the other ( in a good way....) (thanks kilt guy for the TMI). Getting to the finish was worth the run and a lot of fun. My wife was there with my pacer and so were my in-laws and parents. The best part of the finish was finishing, having enough people for the record, and the ice cream sandwiches.

The Herd

The lessons I learned from this run:
1- Don't mess with the grumpy ladies behind you, they don't take no crap from anyone.
2- There are a ton of nice people who you can talk to for hours and not get bored.
3- Patience is an endless lesson, I am always learning from others on how to deal with stuff and the moral of most "stuff" is show a bit more patience.
4- 5 out of 5 mutinies don't actually happen.
5- You can have a lot of fun by just trying something new and crazy, but you have to TRY!

Interesting to see everyone's different facial expression, or non-facial expression

Me and Ron at the.....FINI line??

Here is link to a video of what the race was like. You can't see me because I am in the back, but it gives you a pretty good idea of what was going on. Video

Daily Mileage = 26.2
Yearly Mileage = 1384.7

Oct 7 - 9

I ran a 5k everyday for these exciting......
3 days- 9.3
Yearly= 1358.5

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Gotta Catch Up

This past week has been a good for running. I am excited that this week is my world record marathon. It will seriously be a blast. At least that is what I keep telling myself.
Weekly Mileage = 27.1
Yearly Mileage = 1349.2

Monday, September 28, 2015


Today I did a great 8 mile loop with a flat tire on the old BOB. I am on my last week of the monthly yoga challenge and I think I may stick with it for the rest of the year. I can really tell a difference.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 1322.2

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Weeks Worth of Running and 1300 Miles

This week has been full of up and downs, literally I have ran a lot of hills this week. I ran 8 miles at Sugarhouse park which is basically all hills. I have ran around a 3 mile loop a lot this week as well. My Guinness World Record marathon is coming up in 13 days!! I hope the weather is good and I will not bonk. I am sure it will be a slow pace and an enjoyable run. I am also excited for the buffalo we will see.
Weekly Mileage = 40
Yearly Mileage =  1314.2

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fall Is Here!!

This last Tuesday I went running and it was so amazing. Mt. Olympus is always in my view when I am running. It is fun to the gradual change of fall colors.
Daily = 5
Yearly = 1263.9

Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1264

Daily= 3.1
Yearly= 1267.1

Daily = 3.1
Yearly = 1270.2

Daily = 4
Yearly = 1274.2

Monday, September 14, 2015


Wednesday I ran one of my favorite routes from highschool.
Daily 6
yearly 1238.8

Daily 5
Yearly 1243.8

Daily 5
Yearly 1248.8

Daily 3.1
Yearly 1251.9

Daily 5
Yearly 1258.9

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A 6 mile, No, 9 Mile, No, a 12 mile run

Today I set off to do 6 miles. I ended up doing 12. I could have kept going too. It was fun to just feel like running forever.
Daily Mileage = 12
Yearly Mileage = 1232.8

Monday, September 7, 2015

Another Catch Up Post and 1200 Miles

Saturday 8-29
D = 5
Y = 1184.5

D = 9
Y= 1193.5
This day I ran speed work at the track and then I had to take my car to the mechanic so I ended up doing another 3 miles

D = 6
Y= 1199.5

D= 3.1
Y= 1202.6


D = 3.1
Y =1208.8

Monday 9/7
Daily= 12
Yearly = 1220.8
Today I ran early in the morning I started running at 5:30. the temp was really chilly but perfect for running. I felt goo the entire way. I did my yoga afterwards and it was refreshing. For the month of September my wife, mother-in-law, and I are doing yoga everyday. I try to this all the time and set a goal to do it everyday for a week but I usually just make it till day 3. This a good goal for me.

Friday, August 28, 2015

High Mile Week

I personally feel that to be marathon ready I must be able to complete a 50 mile week rather comfortably. This week I planned on doing that and I am happy to say that I will succeed this tomorrow morning.

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 1159.4

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 1167.4

Daily Mileage = 14
Yearly Mileage = 1181.4

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Death to the Heat!!

It is to hot!! Todays run made me feel like was a POW.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yeraly Mileage =1151.4

Monday, August 24, 2015

Good Ol' Monday

Today I did a running route that I have not done for a while. It was actually really tough. I loved it though. it was on a lot of just straight roads and what not, but it seemed to go by fast. It got hot at the end. I am excited for fall to get here.
Daily Mileage =9
Yearly Mileage = 1143.4

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Timp and 1100 Miles

On Monday I hiked Mt. Timpanogos with my Father in Law. This is one of the best hikes in Utah. It is so beautiful and gives you many spectacular views. On this hike we saw a moose on the way up and the same moose on the way down. We saw a ton of mountain goats that were so close we had to walk around them. We also heard some coyotes howling.
This hike takes all day for most people and nice and long. The elevation gain is a lot but there is never really a steep part. I saw a couple people running the trail. There is nothing better than getting to the top and eating a PBJ and looking at the view.
Daily mileage = 15
Yearly Mileage = 1109.2

Tuesday I ran a good run. I was super tired form my hike but my legs felt great.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 1115.2

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 1123.2

Daily= 3.1
yearly  = 1126.3

Daily = 3.1
yearly = 1129.4

Daily = 5
Yearly = 1134.4

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Long Run?

Thursday my pacer was not feeling good. In the afternoon I ran on a treadmill because of the heat.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 1075.2

Friday I woke up and got started early. I did a 14 mile run not meaning to. I just kept running and loved it.
Daily Mileage = 14
Yearly Mileage = 1089.2

Saturday 8-15
Daily Mileage = 5
yearly Mileage = 1094.2

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Break

Well summer semester is finally over!! Wow what a rough semester. I am happy to be on break and to not worry about school for two weeks.
August 6
This is what you put in the category of terrible run. I was not prepared for this run and paid for it.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 1040

August 7
This was the day of finals. I woke up and did some miles with miles while the wife slept in. After we hung out and than got Bennihanas before I had finals
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 1045

August 8
This run was so great. It was solo but the weather was perfect.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 1048.1

August 10
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 1054.1

August 11
Daily Mileage = 10
Yearly Mileage = 1064.1

August 12
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 1072.1

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Another Day Another Run

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 1028

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly mileage =  1034

Monday, August 3, 2015

Corporate Games

Last Saturday I participated in the Corporate Games. The C.G. is something the county puts on for local businesses to participate in. They have all sorts of activities from fishing to mini golf. The past two years I have done the 5k for my company and it is a blast. Last year they had the race at Sugar house park. It was fun I got 1st in my division last year so the pressure was on for me to get 1st this year. This year they had the race at Wheeler farm. I got 6th place overall and 1st in my division. There are a lot of people in the race and I was really happy with my race. My overall time was 18:41.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 1,014

Today I got a run in while the baby was napping. It was my perfect running weather. It had rained all morning and when I started it stopped a quarter of the way through.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 1,020

Friday, July 31, 2015

Des News Marathon and 1000 Miles

July 23
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 958

July 24
This is like Christmas morning for me. I literally feel butterflies in my stomach the day before a big race and I lay out all my clothes and I have trouble falling and staying asleep. For the Des. News Marathon you don't have to worry about sleep all that much seeing how you have to catch the bus at 3:30 AM. When I got to the starting line of the race I had about an hour and a half to sit on the bed of a truck and wait. It was a good time though because I was able to meet some new people and get some people watching in. The race was so fun I love that race. It was so beautiful and a great day for running. The first half of the race is down hill and shady. The second half of the race is more difficult in my opinion, there is some little up hill here and there that get to ya.
My whole goal for this race was to run my own race. I struggled with this at the beginning because there was a pacer that I wanted to stay with, but he was going a little faster than I thought. during the race I could keep this pacer in my sight. towards the end of the race I passed him and was happy that I stuck with my own goal. This year they let runners run the parade route and that was a lot of fun I saw a lot people I knew and even had my friend Brian run some with me.
Oh before I forget I need to give a huge shout out to my buddy Jordan who hit me up with a coke at 2 aid stations. MMMMM Coke....
Any way the run to the finish line is a doozy. It is up a slight incline with the sun in your face and you can see the line from far away.
I loved finishing this race. My family and some friends were there to see me finish and I got ice. After that we went to Finns and got an amazing breakfast.

Daily Mileage = 26.4 (the course was a little long)
Yearly Mileage =  984.4

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 987.5

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 990.6

Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 995.6

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 1001.6

Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 1007.8

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 1010.9

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Death of My Garmin

So for the past week and a half I have not blogged. In that week I have started to taper for this Fridays race and my Garmin died.
July 14th
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 919.6

July 15th
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 924.6

July 16th
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 930.6

July 17th
Daily Mileage = 10
Yearly Mileage = 940.6

July 18th
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 943.7

July 20th
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 948.7

July 21st
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 951.8

July 22nd
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 954.9
I think I may run the marathon with no watch and just go off of feel. Maybe.....

Monday, July 13, 2015

A Full Day of Working Out

Last night I had some alone time. So after folding some laundry I turned on the TV and was surfing the channels when I saw American Ninja Warrior on. If you have never watched this show it is amazing. It is these crazy obstacle courses that take a ton of strength to accomplish. The people who can do them are amazing. I was watching and got all pumped for this weeks work outs. I was even motivated to do more core work and yoga.
This morning I woke up and ran 5 miles. My legs were super heavy from Fridays 20 miler. by the end I was feeling great and did not want to stop, but I did not want to be to tired for yoga. Yoga is killer. "A lot of people think oh yoga, I never really get a good work out with yoga." Do this weightloss yoga and your mind will change. Later my wife went swimming and I went with her to get some air, but not to swim. Long story short I ended up going back to the pool and doing a swim. Swimming is amazing. Later this evening I am going to play softball. So I will have done 4 workouts today.
Daily Mileage = 5
Weekly Mileage = 914.6

Saturday, July 11, 2015

So Who Blogs Anymore?? Not ME!!! Oh and 900 Miles

So here we go.

July 2nd
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 858.5

July 3rd
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 861.5

July 4th
This day I did a 5k. It was my first real race for the year and I loved it. I did the Murray 5k and it is so much fun! It starts at the Indian head on state street and runs south along the parade route. It is up hill to the turn around point and down hill back to the start line. You run past the start line and continue north on state to vine and than into Murray park. My goal for the race was to go under 18 minutes and I did it in 17:59 so......I achieved my goal haha. Nothing like celebrating America with a run so hard that you throw up at the finish line. It was fun to have my Grandpa H cheer me on at the turn around point as well.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 864.5

July 6th
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 870.5

July 7th
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 876.5

July 8th
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 882.5

July 9th
Daily Mileage = 4
Yearly Mileage = 886.5

July 10th
Daily Mileage = 20
Yearly Mileage = 906.5
This long run was amazing. I did it without my pacer and it was different. I kinda missed that lil' guy.
I ran to the capital building of Utah and when I got to the top of the stairs I did the classic Rocky and still had to make up some distance, so I ran around the capital and passed some cool monuments than I did more stairs for a distance. Running home was so nice. I was able to feel my bottles up at a drinking fountain and it was not too hot.
That's a lot of miles. From Salt Lake to Newport Oregon is 833 miles

Those stairs....

July 11
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 909.6

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Half Way

Wow this year is half way over. I have officially ran everyday except for Sundays.
Last weeks long run was amazing I started at 4:30 in the morning and ran to the Salt Lake temple. It was so fun to run in the cool weather and have the roads empty.
This week I am preparing for a 5k on Saturday.

Thursday June 25
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 819.3

Daily  Mileage = 18
Yearly Mileage = 837.3

Daily = 3.1
yearly = 840.4

Daily = 5
Yearly = 845.4

Daily = 5
Yearly = 850.4

Daily = 5
Yearly = 855.4

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Today was a tempo day. I felt good, it was a little warmer than I would like though.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage =816.2

800 Miles

Yesterday was speed work! I love that workout. It really is a good indicator of your running strength. Since I started doing speed work 8 weeks ago I can see a huge difference in all my other runs. This was also the run I hit the 800 mile mark for the year.
Daily Mileage = 7
Yearly Mileage = 800.2

Today I ran to my moms work at TOSH medical center and picked up a check and than I ran to my grandpas house to say hello. My pacer loves going to Grandpa H and looking at his flowers and fruit bushes.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage =808.2

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Yesterday I got up and went running before work. It was a great route, one of my favorites! I ran around Murray park and that is always fun. It is a really pretty park and a nice paved route.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 793.2

Friday, June 19, 2015

Early Bird Gets.......The Run Done Early

Well Last Friday I did my long run and I thought I started early enough. I did NOT! It got really hot and when I got home I told my wife and pacer that I would do it at 4 in the morning next week if my pacer wakes up. Throughout the week I have sevretly hoped that my words would not come back to haunt me......they did. At 4 AM this morning my pacer woke up not for his binky or to get a snack, but to run!!! Holy cow he was wide awake and ready to go. He was swingin' his arms like crazy and just wide awake. So after my moment of grumpiness and wanting to go to sleep I headed out in the dark with my head lamp and butt light. For being mid June It is sooooo stinkin hot. Even at this  of dayI felt like I was in a hair dryer. Luckily many folks had sprinklers on so it was cooler. My pacer stayed awake for a long time. We ran a new route that my wife showed me and it was wonderful! There was a massive hill that I could hardly even walk up. I actually felt great and was not sore at all. I was home and showered before 7 this morning.

Daily Mileage = 17
Yearly Mileage = 787.2

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Trying to stay caught up

From my last post I left out a lot information and stories, so I will work on throwing those in.

Two weeks ago I was doing my 15 mile long run and it was national donut day, So early in the morning I at two donuts and nothing else before my long run. 10 miles into my run I completely ran out of gas and stopped at a Burger King and ate the best meal of my life topped with a ice cold coke. The next 5 miles of running were heaven.

Today I did my run. It was just a usual 5 mile route that I have, but I love it!
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 770.2

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

700 Miles

It has been a while.
Date- 6/3
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 673.5

Date- 6/4
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 681.5

Date- 6/5
Daily Mileage = 15
Yearly Mileage = 696.5

Date- 6/6
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 699.6

Date- 6/8
Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 705.8

Date- 6/9
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 713.8

Date- 6/10
Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 720

Date- 6/11
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 728

Date- 6/12
Daily Mileage = 16
Yearly Mileage = 744

Date- 6/13
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 747.1

Date- 6/15
Daily Mileage = 7
Yearly Mileage = 754.1

Date- 6/16
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 762.1

Date- 6/17
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 765.2

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Well Summer does not start for another three weeks but it is sure feeling like summer outside. Luckily the past two days my pacer has woke up early and we have ran before it gets too hot outside.

Daily Mileage = 6.5
Yearly Mileage = 659.5

I did a route I call the tour de grandpas. I just run a route that passes both of my grandparents house. Today I had to stop at Grandpa H. for a bathroom break. It took longer than expected because he started talking to me about his rose bushes. It was a nice breather.

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 667.5

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Its Been a While....

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 619.8

Wednesday- SPEED WORK!!
Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 626

Daily Mileage =8
Yearly Mileage = 634

Daily Mileage = 14
Yearly Mileage = 648

Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 653

I have 8.5 weeks till the Des. News Marathon!! I am so excited. My training has gone exactly as planned. This week when I did speed work I felt stronger and I did my long run at a better pace this week than last.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Marathon Training & 600 Miles

Well tis the season of marathon training. There is nothing quite like it either. New shoes, new gels, and of course running a lot! I have learned that training for a marathon is actually easy. It is just about being consistent with it and doing a little extra everyday. When I say do a little extra I am talking about core work and strengthening, not just a little extra running. I have found that a little extra goes a long way. Even if it is just some walk lunges after my run or a couple minutes of abs. My personal favorite is yoga with Bob from Biggest Loser. It is surprisingly helpful and hard.

Friday I ran a half marathon and it was great for two reasons. One reason is that I had new shoes, and second it was really cloudy and not hot. I also hit the 600 mile mark for the year!!!
Daily Mileage = 13.1
Yearly Mileage = 602.7

Salt Lake to Albuquerque is 600 miles 
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 608.7

I ran in Ogden Canyon because we spent the night there. It is probably the prettiest canyon in all of Utah. I ran on part of the Ogden Marathon course and I loved it. I could have ran forever today. This area of Utah is beautiful! There are tons of mountains and trees and it is wide open with farms and fields. This area would be my dream to live in so I could run here everyday.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 611.8

This picture does not do this canyon justice.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Lets see, What has happened lately that is interesting on my runs? I have had multiple flat tires on the BOB, Gotten mad at people for not obeying cross walks, been scared when I have heard a GIANT dog barking only to find it is a wiener dog (behind a fence). I was ready for him though. I have been really sore this week, but today I did some yoga and it really helped.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 575.6

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 583.6

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage =  589.6
This is the dog that scared me....
Why would this come up in a image search of "Vicious wiener dog"? I like the Grandma lady haha
Add your caption of what is happening here....

oh my......

Monday, May 18, 2015

Runnin' In My Jeans

Saturday was busy and rainy. It was my wife and I anniversary and I could not do my run until later in the evening. Since it was raining I did it on my mother-in-law treadmill. It was getting late and my baby was getting grumpy so I had to hurry. I just changed my shoes and started running. I ran in a button down cotton shirt and long jeans. You do what you gotta do. At least I ran the 5k and did it. NO EXCUSES!
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 564.6

Today I did my speed work. I did 12x400 meter repeats with a minute of rest between. This work out KILLED me!! the first 9 were ok. The last 3 were death laps. I thought my lungs were going to explode and I felt like throwing up at the end of lap 12 so.....a good workout.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 569.6
Gotta love camo. Luckily this is not me, but he is jeans.

Friday, May 15, 2015


Well what a week for running it has been. A lot of running with not a lot of blogging. Sorry to the three people who actually read this. This week has been so much fun though. I usually don't want to run some days and dread getting out there but this week I have not had that feeling.
Monday was the usual tempo run.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 533.5

Tuesday was a recovery day. My legs were heavy but I loved running the route that I did.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 538.5

Wednesday was a big day for running. I went to the track again and did speed work with my pacer. He slept the entire time which was nice for me. I did 10x400 repeats with my fastest being 1:18.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 543.5

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 549.5

Today I did my long run and it was perfect I timed out the rain storm just right and only got sprinkled on. I love me a good long run.
Daily Mileage = 12
Yearly Mileage = 561.5

This week I registered for the Des. News Marathon for the 24th of July. It will be my 4th time doing this race and it is also my favorite.
I was only planning on doing this race for the year but last night I happened to see a e-mail and I saw "free registration" so I looked deeper into it and I ended up signing up to be part of a WORLD RECORD!! here is the deal, You sign up to be linked together to other people and if we get more than 73 people to do it than it is a new record. The current record is held by some team in Germany. They say that we need to expect take 6-7 hours doing this race. It is in October.
I put it on facebook that I signed up for this to hopefully get more people to do it and I found some Haters out there. I was also told to my face that this is "dumb" well.....Haters gonna hate. If you don't like the race that I signed up for and the one I'm not forcing you to do than shut it!!!
Bonus: This race is FREE if you sign up. You have to pay 20 dollars but if you actually show up to the race they refund the money.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Last Saturday I ran in the morning and it was awesome.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 490.5

Monday I ran a great tempo run. It was super hot.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 498.5

Tuesday was just a normal day of running. Except for the fact that I hit the 500 mile mark.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 503.5

Wednesday was a great day also. I did track work at C-Wood High and it was so much fun. I love me some speed work.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 508.5

Thursday hmmmmmm......
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 513.5

Friday was my long run day. I meant to do 11 but my watch died and I did 12.
Daily Mileage = 12
Yearly 525.5

Friday, May 1, 2015

Schools out for......TWO weeks!!

Now that schools out for a couple weeks I can post more often. This week has been a great week so far for running. I have ran in Millcreek Canyon and also have ran some usual routes as well.
Running in Millcreek canyon is great  because the road is closed for 4.5 miles during the spring due to the winter. It is paved and zero traffic. It is also very pretty with lots of trees and the river along side of you the entire run. I could only make it 3.3 miles until snow blocked my way. My pacer HATES running uphill. Loves the downhill though.....I did my weekly long run during this adventure and let me tell you, it was HARD. approximately 1500 feet of elevation gain and a grumpy pacer makes a hard run even harder.

Earlier this week I had to go and get my tires rotated. So of course instead of sitting there like a schmuck I did my run. It's nice to start and end a run in a new spot, and get two birds with one stone. (No birds were killed during the making of this post nor on the run).
Daily Mileage = 7
Yearly Mileage = 464.5

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 470.5

Daily Mileage = 10
Yearly Mileage = 480.5

Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 485.5
This is Millcreek Canyon

The road at Millcreek Canyon goes parallel with this river.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Indian Run

I got to catch up once again on my runs.

Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 423.5

Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 431.5

Daily Mileage = 7
Yearly Mileage = 438.5

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 441.5

Daily Mileage = 10
Yearly Mileage = 451.5

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 457.5

I will try to do better next week with the posting of my runs. I got finals this week so ya gonna get what ya gonna get.

Monday, April 20, 2015


On Friday I ran a 5k. The End
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 406.2

Saturday I woke up in Moab and did my 5k before the mtn. biking which was a excellent decision on my part. I ran on the highway there and even from a highway the scenery is breathtaking.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 409.3

Today was the 119th Boston Marathon. This is one of my dream races to do in life.
I ran 8 miles today and it was awesome. Holladay Blvd.. is a great road to run when you get the chance.
Daily Mileage = 8
Yearly Mileage = 417.3

I have also thought deeply about training and doing the Des. News Marathon again this year. I just can't stop thinking how bad I want to do this race.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Just another spring day in Utah

Yesterday was so crazy snowy. It snowed ALL day!! I almost did not do my run, but my wife talked up how fun it would be to run in the snow. Yeah fun.......I thought. I went out and actually loved every wet step. Do to the fact that I wanted to get it done I ran my 5k really fast, 19:11, to be exact. It was a lot of fun. I was surprised I did not see anyone else out there.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 403.1

This is exactly how it was. Happy spring!?!
Today was totally opposite of yesterday! I ran in shorts and a t-shirt. I did a good route with a really long steady hill (4500 S.) it is fun cause if you did not know what goes up must come down!!
Daily Mileage = 4
Yearly Mileage = 407.1

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

400 Miles

Today I hit the 400 mile mark for the year!! It is pretty fun to keep track of my miles like this. It was so crazy windy when I did it. The BOB felt like a parachute. I tried to measure what is 400 miles from Salt Lake and I found that from the boarder of Idaho to Arizona across Utah is like 357 miles. So I have ran farther than the distance of Utah plus some.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 400

Monday, April 13, 2015

Always an Adventure

Running always seems to be an adventure. No matter what time or what route you run there is always something that is interesting. Today I ran and I got lost....twice. I ended up at a cemetery. I had to turn around and go up another street. That too caused me to get lost. I finally found my bearings and got on the right route. because of my crazy route my route ended way before my house so I walked for a while. It was really nice. I saw some streets I would like to run on tomorrow and see where they go.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 396.9
Tomorrow I hit the 400 mile mark. I just have to run a 5k for it to be official. That is pretty cool how that worked out. I did not even mean for it to work out that way.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Another Week

Thursday I had a route in mind, but my legs had another even shorter route in mind. Sometimes you have to just listen to your body.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 382.8

Friday I did not have alot of desire or time to run, but i did it anyway.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 385.9

Today I woke up early and got the run done before work. It was a really nice morning and I did a new extension of one of my previous routes. I saw my brother-in-law at a intersection. He said nothing to me and gave me no motivation except for a wave. Thanks for the boost adam. The least someone in his situation could have done is go to the nearest gas station or K-mart....and buy me a gad dang Gatorade. That is just my opinion though.
Daily Mileage = 5
Yearly Mileage = 390.9

Oh can I just rant about Super Dull Schanze and his fanny pack. Who does that yoo hoo think he is?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

New Runs

Since we moved at the end of last month it has made me do a lot of new routes. It is crazy how new a place is when I only moved 3 miles away. Well I guess 3.1 miles away because I did run to our old place yesterday. It is nice to still have my "Go To" routes as well, the starting and finish line are just different.
This is how I feel half way through class most of the time.
Thursday I did a oldie but a goodie. This route use to be only done when I had a half marathon to run. Now at our new place it makes for a great 10k.
Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 356.1

Friday I ran straight down the road to my in laws neighborhood and around that to pick up my car that my wife had left there.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 359.2

Saturday was so busy. I woke up late and had to go to work and after that I had to mow a couple lawns. I had priesthood session after that. So late that night I walked a 5k with my mom. It was really fun to be back in my old neighborhood and do one of the routes that I did in high school.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 362.3

Monday I ran roughly 5 miles on a new route. Part of it was at Murray park. I love that park, it is not to busy and really pretty.
Daily Mileage =5ish
Yearly Mileage = 367.3
I will use my new Garmin 10 to measure it exactly in the next couple of days.

I saw "that" guy doing this yesterday.
Tuesday I ran to our old house and it was fun. I again ran one of my regular routes. The cool thing about this run was that it was with my new Garmin. I ran really fast. I was surprised I kept the pace I did. That is why I like running with new things. Even with pushing my pacer in the BOB I kept a quick pace.
Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 373.5

My new virtual pacer.
Wednesday- Well I have not done my run yet. Looking out my window I can see snow falling. So I will run at my mother-in-laws house on the T-mill. I will do it! That's why I am blogging about it now. I will run 6.2 miles.
Daily Mileage = 6.2
Yearly Mileage = 379.7

I get this compliment a lot and I am proud of it.
I do not however endorse that lame logo in the corner.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I ran 6 miles. 3 of those miles were with a flat tire.
Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 328.6

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 331.7

I walked my 5k because we had moved all day and I was sooooooo tired.
Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 334.8

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 337.9

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage 343.9

Daily Mileage = 6
Yearly Mileage = 349.9

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Another Day Another Run

Today my pacer decided to take a nap before I left for my run. I wanted to run 8 again but I decided to just do a 5k. It was just one of those days. The weather was perfect and I loved it. My legs were tired from the two days before, so it was probably best I just did a 5k.

Daily Mileage = 3.1
Yearly Mileage = 322.6